Monday, January 9, 2012

The News Stinks

Today has been an annoying day. Much of the news (especially online) has focused on the birth of Blue Ivy Carter to Beyoncé and Jay-Z, and all of the extravagances that included. While it is yet to be determined what is fact and what is fiction, it is true that the media (including bloggers like myself) have been chattering away about a supposed $1.3 million rental for the hospital floor where baby Blue was born. Yes, the birth of a baby is amazingly special – and stars do deserve some privacy – but this is quite the spectacle.

That alone is enough to get me on my soapbox talking about the entitlement attitude of today's stars, but then the reports continued revealing that the stars' security staff allegedly prevented a father from seeing his newborn preemie daughters. Furthermore, they went on to allege that hospital staffers were required to turn in their cell phones so that no photos could be leaked and apparently also required the staff to tape over the security cameras. While it might be okay to prevent photography by cell phone, if it's true that security cameras were covered, that creates a security risk for all of the patients and staff at the hospital – and even for the very stars who allegedly demanded this behavior.

There's much more I could say on this topic, but so many others have already shared their thoughts. And perhaps, the reports are completely wrong. Just as it was misconstrued a few days ago when it was reported that Elin Nordegren demolished the $12.3 million dollar home she bought. Initial media coverage positioned it as a self-centered indulgence or revenge against her philandering ex-husband, Tiger Woods.

Now, a few days later, the online news media is reporting that Tiger's ex had the property razed because it didn't meet current standards regarding its ability to withstand hurricanes – and it was termite infested. Apparently, Ms. Nordegren had told Habitat for Humanity that they could come in before the demolition and take what they want. That's a bit better. But, in today's economy, it's still tough to stomach the destruction of a $12.3 million property.

Of course, the news continues to be bad. Our state (Illinois) now has the lowest credit rating of any of the 50 states. Yahoo! News reports that the Greek government made a decision to expand a list of disability categories to include pedophiles. The Republican candidates are spending millions and millions of dollars to bad-mouth members of the very political party they belong to. Blah, blah, blah. The news is truly a downer.

A Changing Tide
After a quiet evening with the kids and some relaxing music, my husband and I switched on Rock Center with Brian Williams. This was the reminder I needed of the good in humanity. Always professional, but with a glint in his eye, Mr. Williams delivers the news with just the right tone and tonight was no different. One of the stories that caught my attention was when he introduced "veteran parent" Kate Snow – from the moment that he introduced her as a veteran parent (rather than veteran reporter), I knew this story would be worth my time.

While I was aware of the Percy Jackson books, I didn't realize how they came to be. Middle school teacher, Rick Riordan, had a son who didn't enjoy reading. A loving father spending time with his son was the genesis of this multi-million dollar empire. Ms. Snow went on to effectively communicate the parallel growth of these books and Mr. Riordan's relationship with his son. I hope you'll read more about it here.

As Rock Center was wrapping up and I was winding down, Ron Allen beautifully shared the story of Mike and Missy Wilson who exude love, acceptance and compassion. Nearly in tears watching as these parents talked about their two adopted children from Haiti, you could see the pain in their hearts as they seek to do even more for Haitian kids than they already have. Mr. Allen (himself the adoptive father of an Ethopian daughter) shared the poignant details about how a chance encounter between Pastor Wilson and Mr. Williams led to life-changing events for these sweet little girls. I hope you'll take a few moments to read the report here (and watch the video).

It's Not Over Till It's Over
Yes, it's been a discouraging day seeing all the bad news – or what is construed as good news as in the case of a million dollar birth to two superstars. I feel like I'm fighting an uphill battle to raise kind and generous children.

I don't want my kids to worship and adore those who shine for a few moments and then indulge themselves in ridiculous ways. I want my son and daughter to recognize and value those who truly make a difference in this world. One person at a time. Not one #1 hit at a time.

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